Hear how parishes in Kildare & Leighlin are engaging with young parishioners
Seán Murphy and Muireann Beattie, Pope John Paul II Award participants in the Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin discuss how they have become involved in their parishes and what it means to them be able to share their talents and learn new skills.
Catriona Kelly, Award Coordinator discusses how the diocese has focused on building school and parish collaboration which is leading to a rise in young people being actively involved in their parish.
Broadcast on Wednesday, 27 November 2019
Listen back to the discussion below.
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Tony Brennan, National Coordinator, Pope John Paul II Award
Cathriona Kelly, Award Coordinator, Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin
Charlotte Vard, Award leader and Pastoral Worker, Parish of Newbridge, Co. Kildare
Seán Murphy, Pope John Paul II Award participant in Parish of Newbridge
Muireann Beattie, Pope John Paul II Award participant in Parish of Graiguecullen
Life to the Full is a weekly programme from Radio Maria Ireland. Presented by Eileen O’Driscoll and Joy Joyson, Life to the Full is a mixture of interviews and examples of people living their faith to the full and helping others.
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