PUBLISHED: August 2019
Safeguarding information for parents/guardians of those under 18 years of age participating in the Pope John Paul II Award
The Pope John Paul II Award values and encourages the participation of young people in activities which allow them to live their faith in Jesus Christ in their parish and wider community. The Award is designed to facilitate involvement in school, parish and community activities.
We appreciate that the safety of your child is paramount, and to this effect all activities will be carried out in accordance with the National Safeguarding Standards as per the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy and Procedures including Code of Conduct for leaders and Code of Behaviour for young people.
When a young person carries out voluntary work outside the school, parish or diocese, those organisations need to be named on the Parish & Social Activities form and need to be approved by the Pope John Paul II Award Committee.
The following protocol applies to those who engage in the Award:
- Parental/guardian consent is a requirement for all those participating in the Award who are under 18 years.
- Both the completed Application & Consent Form and the Parish & Social Activities Form must be given to the Award leader or Parish Coordinator prior to engagement in the Award.
- The parish/school will ensure there is adequate supervision and a safe environment for participants to carry out their chosen activities through school or parish.
- Specific activities may require additional parental/guardian consent at the discretion of either, the Pope John Paul II Award Committee/Coordinator and Award Leader, or both.
- Where possible, it is highly recommended that participants of the Award would carry out their parish involvement and social awareness activities in groups of two or more.
- All Award participants who have a role in working with children or vulnerable adults must complete the safeguarding awareness programme. In addition, those participants working with children or vulnerable adults who meet the requirements for vetting in their jurisdiction MUST be vetted. Activity leaders must determine which participants need to be vetted. (Download detailed guidance on safeguarding and vetting by clicking here.)
- Participants must act in accordance with the diocesan Safeguarding Policy & Procedures, including the Codes of Behaviour for Adults and Code of Behaviour with Children.
- Award Leaders/Parish Coordinators must be vetted and work in accordance with the Codes of Behaviour for Adults and Code of Behaviour with Children.
- Photographs may be taken of participants with their consent during Award activities/trips to help promote the Award. Photographs MUST NOT be posted on social media websites without the prior consent of the participant, parent and leader.
- Participants may be asked to provide an email and mobile phone number for communication. These details will only be used by the leaders for Award related activities. Texts and emails may be used to promote Award events. If you are unhappy with this please inform the Award Leader/Coordinator.
- Participants medical conditions or dietary requirements are the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Please make the Award Leader/Coordinator aware of any medical conditions, special needs or dietary requirements your child may have.
- External organisations outside diocese, school and parish will complete the Pope John Paul II Award Safeguarding Agreement Form to state they can provide a safe environment for Award participants and have adequate supervision, adequate insurance and a safeguarding policy in place.
- The participating diocese only accepts liability or responsibility for an incident caused by the negligence or breach of statutory duty of the diocese, its servants or agents.
- By signing the Pope John Paul II Award Application & Consent Form, the parent/guardian is taking responsibility for the safety and well-being of the participant during activities that take place outside the scope of the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.
- The Pope John Paul II Award does its best to ensure that your personal information is secure so that your confidentiality is maintained. Your personal information is kept for no longer than is necessary. The Award adheres to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Note: Each diocese in Ireland has its own diocesan GDPR Policy, Safeguarding Policy & Procedures including Codes of Behaviour for Adults and Code of Behaviour with Children. Copies can be obtained from your diocesan office or the diocesan website.