In the Parish of Ardmore in the Diocese of Derry the young people of the Parish are stepping forward to participate as readers in the 10.00am Mass each morning and to pray the Holy Rosary each night at 7.00pm.
Pope John Paul II Award participants take active roles in their parish
Many of the young people are Year 13 students from the Parish taking part in the Pope John Paul II Award (JP2 Award). In more normal times the JP2 Award participants play an active role in lots of different ways, including reading at Mass, serving on the Altar, distributing Holy Communion, decorating the Church, or singing in the Choir or Folk Group.
During this period of restrictions due to the Coronavirus, their participation this week as readers will be very heartening for everyone.
Adhering to Social Distancing and Safeguarding Guidelines
Fr Neil Farren PP of Ardmore Parish is the parish JP2 Award leader. Fr Farren, working closely with the Parish Pastoral Council and adhering to the parish safeguarding guidelines, actively encourage the young people in the parish to becoming involved in the life of the parish.
During the Coronavirus restrictions the parish church building is closed. All Mass and prayer services are broadcast live online through the church webcam and parish Facebook page.
To adhere to social distancing guidelines, the Parish has put a clear set of procedures in place for Mass and prayer service participation. These rules and guidelines include ensuring the reader enters the church from a different door than the Mass celebrant, washes their hands with hand disinfectant and reads from the readers podium.
The readers podium is for the reader only. The reader leaves the church from the door they entered from.
The Mass celebrant reads from the Altar and Ambo. The readers podium, the Ambo and Altar are all cleaned before and after each service by the designated person.
Watch the Mass and Rosary broadcasts online
Mass 10:00am: view on Ardmore Parish webcam & Ardmore Facebook
Rosary 7:00pm: view on Ardmore Parish webcam & Ardmore Facebook