The Pope John Paul II Award
The Pope John Paul II Award encourages you to go beyond your comfort zone on a journey of self-discovery. It challenges you to give of your time, your talents, your intellect, and your social skills for the well-being of others and for the Glory of God.”
A message from the Bishop of Ossory
Sharing the good news that ‘Christ is alive,’ encapsulating the two other points, is what lies at the very heart of the Church’s mission in the world. One of the ways in which the Church in Ireland tries to communicate this message to youth is through the Pope John Paul II Award, a programme well-established in many dioceses. It is committed to helping young people to discover, rediscover and grow in their experience of life and faith. The youth are invited to do so through participation in school, parish and community activities which aim to enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development.
It is a well-established fact that those who enter truly into the spirit of the Award are likely to grow greatly as people by demonstrating commitment to working with and for others, setting goals and fulfilling tasks. This helps them to be better Christians and citizens, people more able to care for others, enhancing their owns sense of personal wellbeing and achievement.
Pope Francis has also said that the modern world, despite its many difficulties, provides numerous opportunities for personal development, community building, and social change. Young people, he went on to say, with their joy and exuberance are called to be innovative and courageous, using their unique talents and passions to make a positive impact on the world around them. The process of facing and overcoming challenges can lead to profound personal growth and deeper self-awareness.
I recommend this new rolling out of the John Paul II Award programme in the Diocese of Ossory, and I pray that all involved with it will find it a great source of blessing and encouragement.

Bishop of Ossory
The Award in the Diocese of Ossory
There are 4 Awards - Gold, Silver, Bronze & Papal Cross
Each Award is completed over a 16 month period beginning at the start of the academic year.
Awards are earned by taking part in parish and social activities – 1 hour per week over 8, 14, 20 or 26 weeks.
Those that have completed the Gold Award have a further option of completing the Papal Cross Award.
Gold AwardSilver AwardBronze AwardPapal Cross Award
Diocese of Ossory Award Top-Up Suggestions
Top-Ups will go towards the total number of hours an individual has to complete.
Gold: 6 hours
Silver: 4.5 hours
Bronze: 3 hours
Parish & Diocesan Pilgrimages
Many parishes organise pilgrimages, either specifically for young people, or for the wider parish community, but open to young people. Pilgrimages to Knock, Lourdes, Taizé and Medjugorje happen every year in Ossory Diocese and participation in this type of activity can be part of the John Paul II Award.
Training for Ministry
During the year, the diocese will extend an invitation for young people to participate in training programmes for ministry. These training events can also be part of the John Paul II Award.
Diocesan Liturgies
Diocesan liturgies held throughout the year are enriched by the participation of young people and taking part in these liturgies can be part of the John Paul II Award.
Taizé prayer
The diocese organizes Taizé prayer evenings for young people throughout the year which involves a prayer around the cross followed by a social event. Participation in these evenings can be part of the John Paul II Award.
Award Handbook
The Award handbook explains in detail how the Award is run and who is responsible for running the Award in your diocese.
Award Resources
The following forms are required to be completed by each Award participant. Your Award leader will be able to assist you with any questions you have.
Participants Application Form