On Friday 2 December, 2016 the diocese of Kildare and Leighlin held their 7th Annual Pope John Paul II Award ceremony in the Church of the Holy Family, Askea, Carlow.

A total of 295 young people from throughout the diocese received their Pope John Paul II Award from Bishop Denis Nulty, Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin.
295 Award recipients
The 295 young people represented 36 parishes and 27 schools across the diocese, which highlights the widespread uptake of this award. Parishes, schools and the local communities benefit each year from the participants’ involvement with them through their Award hours.
The Award is based on 50% parish involvement and 50% social awareness volunteering. An array of parish ministries were undertaken during the year as part of the Award, many of which will be continued in the years to come, which is one of the central advantages of this Award – an ongoing commitment to faith. Part of our celebration of this year’s Award night was to showcase this involvement and the commitment made by our young people over the past twelve months.
As part of this year’s Award ceremony Mr Barry McMahon, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Saint Columbanus delivered an address to the young people and their families.
Approximately 40 of the young people who received their Award were on the diocesan pilgrimage to Kraków for World Youth Day in July with Pope Francis.
The Awards presented on the night included 8 bronze, 7 silver, 215 gold and 65 for the papal cross.
The Pope John Paul II Award was created to commemorate Saint John Paul II. It celebrates those who take an active part in the life of their parish, in the life of their community and in society.
Get involved in the Award in Kildare and Leighlin
If you would like to get involved in the Award, please contact the Award coordinator in Kildare & Leighlin, Cathriona Kelly, Faith Development Services at cathriona.kelly@kandle.ie.